Writing Task 2

The advocates of international aid believe that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while the opponents consider it unnecessary because money is misspent by the governments that receive it. Discuss these two points of view and give your opinion.

International aid refers to money, equipment or services that are provided by a country or international organisation for countries that need them, known as recipient countries. It reflects a moral ideal of mankind, that is, mutual support and interdependence, according to those donor countries. However, some people adopt an opposing view and tend to believe that aid money can be misspent by the recipient countries. My view is that people should not withhold the provision of money or material resources in aid.

Humanitarian aid is a moral imperative. Members of the global community have the responsibility to provide relief to each other, especially to those disadvantaged members and those victims of natural disasters and civil unrest. This aid is essential to the homeless and useful in helping recipient countries return to their normal state after major disturbances. For example, with the humanitarian relief obtained worldwide on an annual basis, victims of natural disasters (such as tsunami, draught, flood) throughout the world can recover rapidly and rebuild their homeland.

Humanitarian relief is meanwhile an instrument to promote peace and security. The deep-rooted hostility between some countries can result from the disparity in the material standard of living, or from physical distance. The provision of humanitarian relief opens up the possibility of cultural, economic and social interaction between countries, and thereby easing tension. Recipient countries can thus participate in the global economy, a strategic step in shaking off poverty.

Admittedly, aid money is sometimes misused or spent on unintended destinations, but these pitfalls can never overshadow the benefits. Misuse can instead raise awareness of the global community to a venal regime and pressure the recipient country to adjust its system. Meanwhile, it can be tackled by tight regulations and scrutiny. In general, the abuse of international aid is an isolated event, so its effect should not be overstated.

From what has been discussed above, one can reach a conclusion that the role of humanitarian relief is not only to deliver urgent assistance to populations in need but also to strengthen tiesbetween countries. Although fraud and corruption occur every now and then, they can be addressed in a way that enhances future aid endeavours.

1.       misspend = mishandle = misuse = abuse
2.       recipient = receiver = beneficiary
3.       withhold = suspend = defer
4.       provision = supply
5.       unrest = turmoil = conflict = turbulence
6.       result from = stem from = be caused by
7.       open up = increase = raise
8.       shake off = get rid of
9.       pitfall = drawback = downside
10.     venal = corrupt
11.     isolated = exceptional
12.     tie = bond = link
13.     endeavour = attempt = effort