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Questions 1 - 14
Read the text and answer Questions 1-7.

Wonder Plates
A unique, personalised gift!
Wonder Plate is offering you a unique gift opportunity - a personalised ceramic plate!  Ceramic plates make wonderful gifts for loved ones and friends.  Each plate contains a special message from you to the recipient.  Wonder Plates are both practical and individually unique.  Why not surprise a special friend or loved one?  All you have to do is to follow these three easy steps:

Step 1
On an A4 sheet of paper write a personal message.  Write it exactly as you want it to appear on the plate.  We recommend a type-written print-out.  The message should not be more than 50 words.

Step 2
Select one of our 10 plate colour options and a design from one of our 12 design patterns.  Each design is completely different so we are confident that you will find at least one to match your taste (please refer to the attached brochure for colours and plate design options).

Step 3
Sign the attached form, enclose your personal message, and send these to us together with your payment.  Please send only money orders or cheques - DO NOT send cash.

The charge for a standard-sized plate is $20 regardless of the colour you choose.  A fixed charge of $100 per plate for the design and printing of the message is also payable. 

Bulk orders:
Your order size can attract a discount!  For orders of two to four plates, customers are entitled to a 15% discount.  For orders of five to ten plates, the cost per plate reduces to $12 each with message and design printing slashed to $75 per plate. 

Once we receive your order and payment your plate(s) will be sent via regular mail.  Delivery can be expected within 14 business days.  If you require a faster delivery time, please fill in the Urgent Form and send an additional $30 (guaranteed 3-day delivery). 

We guarantee your satisfaction, but if for some reason you are not satisfied with our product or service, please fill in the Consumer Feedback Form (included with the brochure) and send it to our Customer Service department.  Alternatively, you may call one of our friendly Customer Service Officers on 12 25 23 (toll free). 

Please send your message, form and payment to PO BOX 2350, CYK
Phone: 12 25 23 Fax: 0212 125 5624

Questions 1-7
Complete the sentences below with words taken from the passage.
Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

1          The ceramic Wonder Plate is a unique gift because it is ………. .  
2          The personal message must not exceed ………. .
3          Customers choose from ………. designs.
        Examples of plate designs can be found in the ……… .  
        Price per plate varies depending upon the ………. 
        The ………. must be completed for a quick delivery.
7          If a customer is not satisfied they should fill in the feedback form or ………. .

Questions 8 - 14
Look at the advertisements A-L.
Answer the questions below by writing the correct letters A-L in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.

Special Moments

Professional Family Video

We do professional video of any and all family occasions – birthdays, weddings, get-togethers or any other memorable events.
Professional editing with music tracks as required.  Delivery in CD or DVD format.

We tailor our service to meet clients’ unique needs.
94, West Church Street.
Tel: 541 2548 7121
Peter’s Garage – Richmond
For all your motorcycle repairs and services

Grade A certification.

Engine servicing, road safety testing
Body repair, dents fixed
Full Breakdown service.     
19 Ponds Road, MCT
      Ring 56 24 87 12
           (Hunting line to Richmond and Yarra workshops)
It is important to exercise your legal rights if you are injured and/or your vehicle is damaged in a road accident that was someone else’s fault.

Let us explain your rights and
help you claim compensation!

All our lawyers and solicitors
are experts in the field.
Free-phone 1900 356 214

Attn: Overseas Visitors!
Money Matters

Reliable Foreign Exchange
Registered and listed company, operating for 30 years.

Highest rates, lowest commission.
35/261 Parade Sq. YKS.
021 457 845

Asian Cook Book

A wide collection of cook books from Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Singapore, Thailand and many other Asian countries.

Thousands of recipes.
25 Sands St.
Call: 013 652 4587
Dream Holiday

Your Holiday Experts!
Any part of the world –
Asia, Europe or the USA. 

From the flight to the hotel booking –
we are here for you!  

Give us a call!
066 302 125
99 West Bank Rd, LM23 CWB

Nutritionist and Chef
Dominic Costa
…is now running cooking classes!

4 Albert Avenue, every Sat and Sun from 10.00 AM until 3.00 PM.

Learn to prepare dishes from around the world. 
Limited seats. Enrol now!

Call: 012 344 587

 Italian restaurant, Fully licensed.

Our superb cuisine with your choice of wine! Relaxing, smoke-free environment.

Lunch: Tue-Sun. Dinner: Tue-Sat

Special occasions welcome – weddings, birthdays or anniversaries.

99 Hill Way Road, CAM.
Call: 251 52 89 65

Fund Transfers
Worldwide Ltd.

A name you can trust – since 1994
We legally transfer funds to any country around the world in minutes.

Visit one of our many offices and pay the amount you want to transfer with the name and address details of the recipient. It's that simple!  We will supply you with a secret number, just let the recipient know the number and ask to collect the funds from our representative.

Call for more information: 010 122 510

Digital Magic
New and used digital cameras

Serving you for 20 years!

We have a range of digital cameras – still and video camera.
New cameras – 3 year warranty
Used cameras – 6 month warranty

All accessories – tripod, cover, filters and chargers always at a 20% discounted rate.
We also buy used cameras – good prices paid, instant cash.

Contact – Philip, Store Manager
31 North ST, MCH PH: 012 545 874
Gift Land
Lots of gifts at competitive prices.
Birthday gifts, wedding gifts or any gift you are looking for - come and see us.
Open 7 days.
25 Parel Ave., Littleport Tel: 013 256 478

The Riverhouse
  • Single & Double Deluxe Suites
  • Family accommodation a specialty
  • All rooms with TV & hot drink-making facilities
  • Licensed Bar/Bistro/Restaurant
  • Large, versatile function room.
Call to book: 014 521 452
Mascot Street, Brown Hill

Question 8-14
Which business should be contacted in each of the following situations?
Write the correct letters A-L in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.  

8 A motorcyclist driving on the wrong side of the road hit my motorcycle and crushed the front wheel and part of the motor.  I want to be paid for the loss.

9 My friend lives in Malaysia and it is her birthday.  I would like to send her some money so that she can buy herself a birthday gift.

10 It is my wedding anniversary and I want to give a special present to my wife during dinner at home.

11 I have an Italian cookbook but cannot follow it on my own.  I need an instructor to help me to understand it.

12 My child’s birthday party will be held at home.  I would like to take some of my own video and need to buy the right equipment.

13 I am going to take my annual leave from my office next month.  I am thinking of spending some leisure time overseas.

14 My friends are coming from Italy.  I need a place for them to stay for 2 or 3 days.


Paradise Island Trip Company (PITC)
Meet our staff: July - November Newsletter
Beryl Dickson
I come from a sociology background.  After completing my Masters in Sociology from the State University I worked for a research firm for 4 years.  I joined the Tourism Department and worked there for 3 more years in the same field of research.  Over the years I found research too theoretical so I began looking for other employment opportunities.  The change I was looking for ended up being the PITC!  I am very happy to be working here as the Customer Service Manager, I am even able to use some of my previous research skills.  I meet lots of visitors everyday and this is a very enjoyable part of my job.     
Rita Martin
Hello, I am Rita!  I’ve been working for the PITC for the past 3 years.  Currently I am the Booking Supervisor.  I completed a Diploma in Hospitality Management six months ago and this is my first job since graduating!  I am delighted to work with Paradise, my role is to ensure a smooth booking process for all our visitors.  I usually work in the city office but sometimes I need to travel to the island and monitor booking procedures – this is the part of my job I like the best!

Judith Clemons
I was a school teacher before joining PITC.  I became interested in a job on the island after staying here for one of my holidays.  The natural beauty of the island so impressed me that I decided I had to get a job here!  I look after visitor accommodation services on the island.  I welcome suggestions from visitors in regards to accommodation services.  Part of my job is also to monitor food services.  If you have any comment on the food and drinks provided as a part of your stay, do not hesitate to contact me.

Shane Moore
I am one of the tour guides.  Working five days a week, I guide groups of about 25 visitors around different sites on the island.  My job requires me to know a lot about the island and its history.  My job and my background are a bit of a mismatch - my background is sports.  I was an athlete from my early 20’s to mid 30’s.  Once I got married I retired from sports and started a new career at PITC, where I have been working for around 5 years.  My wife and I both love travelling. 

Lesley Albertson
I used to work in the music industry before joining hospitality.  I was the store manager for a CD/DVD company before joining PITC as a tour guide.  Working part-time, three days a week, I cover the north part of the island.  I completed my Diploma of Arts two years ago.  I love driving.  During my own holidays I enjoy driving around the island.  The days I do not work for Paradise, I work for a Music Recording studio owned by a local businessman.  I enjoy humour and meeting people.  I love my job as a tour guide – meeting new people is really exciting!

Ian Rawnsley
I was working for a competitor company before joining PITC as the Finance Controller.  At my previous place of employment I was a senior accountant.  I did my accounting degree at an overseas university.  A major part of my job is to invest in facilities that help us attract more visitors.  I take careful note of visitors’ feedback and accordingly make new investment plans. 

Diana Ford
I have been working here for last 3 months as a front desk officer.  As a part of my daily activities I assist visitors as the receptionist, so I am the initial point of contact when it comes to visiting our establishment.  I answer most of the phone calls at the office during normal business hours so chances are we have spoken before!  Before this job I was a model.  I have a Bachelor of Science Degree, which was very hard for me (lots of complex mathematics but I finally passed!  Last month I was even declared ‘Employee of the Month’!  

Questions 15-21
Look at the following statements (Questions 15-21) and the list of people below.
Match each of the statements 15-21 with a person in the table below. 
Write your answers A-G in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.
NB           You may use one letter more than once.

15        This person is responsible to ensure guest housing is acceptable.
16        This person presently has two employers.
17        A dislike for a previous job caused this person to start working for PITC.
18        A new PITC guest will likely speak to or see this person first.
19        This person’s primary place of employment is NOT on Paradise Island.
20        The beautiful environment motivated this person to get a job on Paradise Island.
21        This person enjoys spending holiday time on Paradise Island.

      List of People
Beryl Dickson
Rita Martin
Judith Clemons
Shane Moore
Lesley Albertson
Ian Rawnsley
Diana Ford

Read the passage below and answer Questions 22-27.

Photo Perfect Travel Cameras
- User’s Guide –

Thank you for purchasing a Photo Perfect Travel Camera – a camera that will capture all your precious travel moments!  We have made every effort to make our cameras robust and features user friendly so that you get the very best while you are travelling.  This Rapid Guide will introduce you to some of the basic components and features of the camera and how to use them.  Please read the Extra User Guide carefully for more in-depth instruction before using the camera.  Be sure to keep the Rapid Guide handy. 

To guard against possible leakage, we do not install batteries.  To begin operation, insert 4 AA batteries into the battery compartment.  Standard batteries will last for up to 12 hours of continuous use.  Lithium AA batteries will last for 24 hours continuously.

Your Photo Perfect camera is equipped with an 80x digital zoom wide angle lens with image stabliser.  The camera is also fitted with our patented AirwalkerJJ™ technology enabling you to cushion zoom. Avoid touching the lens and always clean with a cotton cloth. 

With our self-timer technology, you can appear in your own photograph!  The camera’s shutter can be delayed by 5 to 10 seconds once the shutter button has been set.  Before activating the self-timer make sure the camera is placed on a flat surface.  The yellow border in the view finder determines what will appear in your picture.  

Image quality and size
Images are stored in your camera’s memory stick in a compressed format, which allows you to store more photographs.  Due to compression, the preview of the images on the camera’s display screen may reveal a loss of detail.  When the images are printed or transferred to other high-resolution viewing devices (such as a computer), full resolution will be displayed.     

Setting the right image size is important to get a perfect printout of your photographs.  You can choose from manual and auto settings.  The Photo Perfect user friendly image setting button allows you to select any of the three size setting options. For an actual printout of a 4 x 6 inch photo, set the image button to ‘A’ on the dial.  For a printout of a 7 x 9 inch photo, set the button to ‘B’ and for a printout of a 10 x 12 inch photo, turn the dial to ‘C’.  Note: A larger image size setting will require more memory.

If the camera is not going to be used for more than 2 weeks, please remove the batteries.  Store the camera in its supplied case away from magnetic fields created by other electronic equipment (TVs or radios) and within a temperature range of 5°C to 35°C.

Photo Perfect cameras come with a standard 4GB memory card.  A range of other accessories are available at a reasonable cost, which can be chosen based on user requirements:
·         Memory cards of 15GB and 30GB.
·         4 rechargeable AA batteries and charger.
·         Genuine leather camera cover, upgrade from standard inclusion cloth cover.
·         Handy photo printer weighing only 750 g.  

Questions 22-27
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In boxes 22-27 on your answer sheet write
                TRUE     if the statement agrees with the information
                FALSE    if the statement contradicts the information
                NOT GIVEN         if there is no information on this 

22        TWO instruction guides are included with the new camera.
23        In order to protect the camera, batteries are not installed.
24        Lithium batteries are recommended for the camera.
25        The ‘C’ setting on the image dial uses more memory than the ‘A’ setting.
26        The camera should not be used in a very cold place.
27        A camera cloth cover costs extra.

Questions 28 - 40
Read the passage and answer questions 28-40.

Bicycles: From Push to Pedal

A   Before they were equipped with pedals and a chain, what we refer to as a ‘bicycle’ today used to be called a Dandy Horse or ‘Pushbike’.  German inventor Karl Drais first assembled pushbikes in 1818.  They had two wheels, both in-line, and were propelled by the rider pushing along the ground with his feet to rotate the wheels.  The front wheel had a handlebar attached that the rider gripped to control the direction.  They were speedier than walking and were considered a fast mode of transportation at the time.  Unlike today, these first generation bicycles were owned only by the wealthy.

B   In 1821 an English inventor, Louis Gompertz, added a hand-driven ratchet mechanism, to the front of the bicycle wheel that permitted motion in one direction and created more speed out of every up and down push of the feet.  Another significant change to the bicycle occurred in 1839 when Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick MacMillan invented a special part for bicycles known as a mechanical crank.  The crank was a kind of lever that allowed more force and speed to both front and rear wheels.  Six years later in 1845, another English inventor, R. W. Thompson, developed a special kind of pneumatic (air-containing) tyre.  When wrapped around the iron-made wheels of the bike, this tyre made the ride much smoother.

C   A revolutionary change took place in 1850 when Frenchmen Pierre Michaux refined the design of bicycles in such a way that no longer required the rider to push down toward the ground in order to rotate the wheels.  He redesigned it by making the front wheel exceptionally large and then placed a seat on top of it.  Michaux added pedals to the large front wheel and kept the diminuitive rear wheel to help with balance.  This addition meant that rather than the operator having to push along the ground as though walking or running, the bicycle could cover longer distances much faster.  Up to that point, the design of Michaux’s bicycle most closely resembled the modern bicycles of today.  However, these primitive bicycles, known as Boneshakers or penny-farthings, were extremely difficult to ride due to their high-seats and the need for expert balancing skills.  In 1885, John Kemp Starley, a British inventor and industrialist, solved most of the problems of the Boneshakers by introducing a chain drive – a device that connected the pedals with the rear wheel.  He also redesigned the frame of the bicycle and reduced the front wheel diameter ensuring more stability and enabling people with only average balancing skills to ride them.  Starley’s Rover Safety Bicycle was warmly welcomed by the masses and was exported to many countries.  Many historians define Starley’s Rover as the first modern bicycle. 

D   The next big step forward for the bicycle was the development of an efficient braking mechanism.  Prior to the advent of brakes, riders had to use their feet to reduce their speed.  However, in 1898 hand-operated cable-pull brakes attached to the handlebars were first introduced by a German inventor, Achim Conrad.  During the beginning of 19th century derailleur gears were invented. They contained a chain and multiple sprockets1 that could create more speed out of every rotation of the pedals.  Gradually, the technology used in making and setting the chain improved.  Chains made of stronger metal with small sprockets were introduced as part of the bicycle wheel, which made it easier for the rider to pedal without losing speed.  Another important change was in the weight of bicycles.  The configuration of two same sized wheels with rubber tyres and the body of the bicycle made of hollow rods rather than solid metal, considerably reduced the weight and enabled riders to have more control.  These design changes also helped to reduce the risk of injury caused by a heavy bicycle.

E   It was not until the 1930s that bicycles became a popular form of transportation for the working class.  This was due to dramatic improvements in the production process of bicycles, which, in turn, led to a fall in their price.  The supply of bicycles increased in the market as a lot of manufacturing businesses and individual entrepreneurs started making and selling bicycles in large quantities.  The widespread use of the bicycle during that time inspired several manufacturers like Mead, Sears Roebuck, and Montgomery Ward to design bicycles for children who were a new and unexplored segment of the bicycle user market.  The design of these bicycles incorporated unique design elements such as bent handlebars for easier manoeuvrability, carriers above the rear wheel for school bags and even a pair of small safety wheels on both sides of the rear wheel for children learning to ride for the first time.

F   Considered by many to be the most significant innovation in the history of the bicycle after the invention of the Boneshaker almost 100 year earlier, running gear was invented by engineer Glenn Wright in the 1950s.  This running gear featured quick-release wheels, derailleur gears and cable-operated brakes.  During the 1960s, manufacturers started using aluminium alloy in wheel rims, handlebars and seat posts that made the bicycles even lighter and also more visually appealing.  These aluminium alloys helped prevent the body of the bicycles from rusting which also made them last longer.

G   Since the 1980's the technological improvements in bicycle manufacturing have reached a new peak.  New materials such as titanium and carbon fibre have become widespread.  The separate brake and gear systems in bicycles have become one, combined system.  New accessories such as front and back lights, drink carriages, tyre pumps and non-slip handlebar covers have became standard parts of most bicycles.  In the late 1980s, mountain bikes were formally introduced to the market.  These bikes became the focus of a new and adventurous sport, where bikers raced through rugged terrain. For reasons of being environmentally friendly, user-friendly and widely available throughout the world, bicycles will continue to grow in popularity well into the future.

1a device like a wheel with one or more rows of tooth-like parts sticking out which keep a chain moving on a bicycle

Questions 28-33
Look at the following statements 28-33 and the list of people below A-H.
Match each statement with the person it refers to.
Write your answers A-H in boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet
28           This person encouraged the use of hands rather than feet to stop.
29           This person built expensive bikes.
30           This person’s invention reached many parts of the world.
31           This person’s design involved wheels of different sizes.
32           This person’s invention made riding more comfortable for the user.
33           This person combined other people’s inventions with his own.

List of People
Kirkpatrick MacMillan
Karl Drais
John Kemp Starley
Louis Gompertz
Pierre Michaux
Glenn Wright
Achim Conrad
R. W. Thompson
Questions 34-40
Do the following information agree with the information given in the passage?
In boxes 34-40 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE     if the statement agrees with the information
 FALSE   if the statement contradicts with the information
NOT GIVEN         if there is no information in this 

34           MacMillan’s mechanical crank divided pedal force equally between the front and rear wheels.
35           Michaux’s bicycle looked like today’s bicycles.
36           Starley’s changes to the boneshaker involved making the front wheel smaller.
37           The sprockets in the derailleur made the bike go faster.
38           The use of hollow rods made bicycles easier to ride.
39           Running gear was invented around 100 years prior to the boneshaker.

40           It is expected that the bicycles of the future will be even more environmentally friendly.

1 personalised It is mentioned that the plates are unique gifts as they are personalised.

2 50 words It is mentioned that the message should not be more than 50 words in total.

3 12 It is mentioned that there are 12 sample designs to choose from.

4 brochure
attached brochure It is mentioned that the sample designs can be found in the brochure attached.

5 order size It is mentioned that order size can attract a discount.

6 Urgent Form It is mentioned that for a fast (i.e. quick) delivery the Urgent Form needs to be filled in.

7 call
call 122523 It is mentioned that customers can call as an alternative to filling in the feedback form.

8 C Getting paid for the loss is receiving compensation. Advertisement C mentions about compensation due to the damage of accident.

9 I It is all about sending money from one country to another.

10 K It is an advertisement for a gift shop from where one can buy gifts.

11 G It is about cooking classes where people can learn cooking practically.

12 J This advertisement is for people who want to buy video camera, which is the equipment to do video.

13 F This advertisement is for people who are planning a holiday (i.e. some leisure time) to another country (i.e. overseas).

14 L This advertisement is about accommodation where people can stay.
Reading Lab 5, Passage 2: Answers and Suggestions
Quest. Number Answer Scott’s Tips for Answering the Questions

15 C Judith Clemons looks after the visitor accommodation services at the island, which means Judith is responsible to ensure guest housing is acceptable.

16 E It is mentioned that this person also works for a Music Recording company owned by a businessman. This person has two employers – the Trip company and the Music Recording company.

17 A Beryl Dickson states that he was doing research job which was too theoretical and that was why he started looking for other employment.

18 G Diana Ford is the receptionist and she also answers the phone calls. It is mentioned in her text, ‘I am the inital point of contact when it comes to visiting our establishment’.

19 B It is mentioned that Rita Martin usually works in the city office, which means that the island is not her primary place of employment.

20 C Judith Clemons says, ‘the natural beauty of the island so impressed me that I decided I had to get a job here’. This means that Judith was motivated by the beautiful environment of the island to apply and get a job there.

21 E During holidays, Lesley Albertson enjoys driving around the island, which means she enjoys spending holiday time on Paradise Island.

22 True One instruction guide is the ‘Rapid Guide’ and the other is ‘Extra User Guide’.

23 True It is mentioned that to prevent leaking (which means to protect the camera) batteries are not installed.

24 Not Given It is stated that Lithium batteries will last for 24 hours continuously. Whether Lithium batteries are recommended or not is not given.

25 True ‘A’ image setting is 4 x 6 inch and ‘C’ image setting is 10 x 12 inch. It is mentioned in the note that a larger image size setting will require more memory. As ‘C’ image setting is larger than ‘A’ image setting, ‘C’ will require more memory.

26 Not Given Temperature-related information is provided in regard to the storage of the camera. Whether or not the camera should be used in a very cold place is not given.

27 False It is mentioned that the cloth cover is a standard inclusion, which means it does not cost extra.

Reading Lab 5, Passage 3: Answers and Suggestions
Quest. Number Answer Scott’s Tips for Answering the Questions

28 G It is mentioned in section D that prior to Achim Conrad’s hand-operated cable-pull brake system, people had to use their feet to stop.

29 B Section A states that the bikes built by Karl Drais were owned only by wealthy people – they were obviously expensive.

30 C It is mentioned in section C that John Kemp Starley’s invention was exported to many other countries (i.e. to other parts of the world).

31 E The text states that Pierre Michaux’s bike had an ‘exceptionally large front wheel’ and a ‘diminutive (i.e. small) rear wheel’.

32 H It is mentioned in section B that a pneumatic (air-containing) tyre was invented by R. W. Thompson that made the ride much smoother (i.e. more comfortable for the user).

33 F It is mentioned in section F that Glen Wright’s invention of ‘running gear’ featured derailleur gears and cable-operated brakes – both of these had been previously invented.

34 Not Given It is mentioned that crank transmitted force to both the wheels.
Whether the force was equally divided to the wheels or not is not given.

35 True The text states that Michaux’s bicycle ‘most closely resembled (i.e. looked like) the modern bicycles of today’.

36 True The text states that Starley, ‘reduced the front wheel diameter’, which means he made the front wheel smaller.

37 True The text states that the derailleur contained, ‘multiple sprockets that could create more speed’ (i.e. make the bike go faster).

38 True The text states that the ‘hollow rods…enabled riders to have more control’ (i.e. made bikes easier to ride).

39 False It is mentioned that the Boneshaker was invented almost 100 years earlier than running gear - not the other way around!

40 Not Given It is mentioned that in the present, bicycles are environmentally friendly but whether or not the will be ‘even more environmentally friendly’ in the future is not given.