IELTS Food Vocabulary Part 1-style task Examiner: Do you like to cook? Student : Not really no  … most of the time I eat   ready meals   and   take-aways …

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IELTS Sports Vocabulary   Part 1-style task Examiner: Do you do any sports? Student: N ot really … no … I always say I’m going   to take up exercise   and…

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IELTS Technology Vocabulary Part 1-style task                  Examiner: Do you enjoy using technology? Student:  Well … I wouldn’t call myself   a techie…

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IELTS Relationships Vocabulary Part 1-style task Examiner: Do you see your friends very often? Student : Yes … we meet up most weekends … we all   get on …

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IELTS Holiday Vocabulary Part 1-style questions Examiner: What kind of holiday do you like? Student : I try to avoid   tourist traps   … I like   to get a…

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