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Section 1

Questions 1-10
Questions 1-3
Listen to the telephone conversation between a student and owner of a paragliding school and answer the questions below. Choose the correct letters A-D.

Which course does the man suggest?
A. 2 day          C. 5 day
B. 4 day          D. 6 day

1. How much is the beginner’s course?
A   $190
B   $320
C   $330
D   $43

2. What does the club insurance cover?
A   injury to yourself
 injury to your equipment
C   damage to other people’s property
 loss of personal belongings

3. How do the girls want to travel?
A   public transport
 private bus
C   car
D   bicycle

Questions 4-7
Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


           Name: Maria Gentle

           Address: C/o Mr & MrS 4) ____________.

           5)  ________________ Newcastle

           Fax no: 0249 6) ________________.

           Type of Card : 7) ________________.

Question 8
Check TWO letters A-G
Which TWO of the following items must people take with them?

A   sandals
B   old clothes
C   pullover
 shirt with long sleeves
E   soft drinks
G   sunglasses

Question 9
Choose TWO letters A-G.
Which TWO accommodation options mentioned are near the paragliding school?
A   camping
 youth hostel
D   backpackers’ inn
E   caravan park
F   bed and breakfast
 cheap hotel

Question 10
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for your answer
Which weekend do the girls decide to go? 10 _________

Section 2
Questions 11-20
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer


                Type of car: Dueeenberq J-type

                Number made: 11) ___________.

                Type of body: 12) ___________.

                Engines contained capsules of mercury 
                to ensure a 13) _________  trip.

                Top speed: 14) ___________ per hour.

                Sold as a 15) ___________.   

                Main attraction: 16) ___________.  

                Type of car:LeyatHelica

                Number built: 17) ___________.  

                Car looks like a 18) ___________ without 19) _______.    

                Steering used the 20) ___________.             

Section 3

Questions 21- 22
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Research details:
Title of project: 21) ___________.

Focus of project: entertainment away from 22) ___________.

Questions 23-26
Choose the correct letters A-C.

23. Which chart shows the percentage of cinema seats provided by the different cinema houses? 

24. Which graph shows the relative popularity of different cinemas?

25What did Rosie and Mike realise about the two theatres?
A   The prices were very similar.
B   They were equally popular.
C   They offered the same facilities.

26. Which graph shows comparative attendance for cinema and theatre?

Questions 27-30
Complete the chart about the different music clubs below.
Choose the correct words in the list. 

A. Poor     B. OK      C. Excellent 

Type of music
Quality of venue

The Blues Club
27  A. Poor     B. OK      C. Excellent

The Sansue
South American
28  A. Poor     B. OK      C. Excellent

Pier Hotel
29  A. Poor     B. OK      C. Excellent

Baldrock Cafe
30 A. Poor     B. OK      C. Excellent

Section 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-32

Complete the notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Main focus of lecture: the impact of 31) _________ on the occurrence of dust storms. 

Two main types of impact:
1.       break up ground surface, e.g. off-road vehicle use
2.       remove protective plants, e.g. 32) _________ 

Questions 33-36
Complete the table using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Name of area
USA ‘dust bowl’

Caused by mismanagement of farmland
Decade renamed the 33) _________.
West Africa

Steady rise in dust storms over 20-year period

Worst dust clouds arise from 34) _________ 
Dust deposits are hazardous to 35) _________.

Increased wind erosion has occurred along with long-term 36) _________ .

Questions 37-40
Complete the flow chart using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Drying-up of Aral Sea
Intensive 37) _________  in Central Asian Republics
Drop in water in major tributaries
Total volume of water in lake reduced by 38) _________ 
Increase in wind-blown material
Lake has become more 39) _________ 
Serious effects on 40) _________  nearby


1. C:
2. C:
3. D:
4. McDonald/Macdonald/MacDonald:   
5. Post Office Box/PO Box 676:
6. 775431:
7. credit card/Visa:         
8. D,F (both required for one mark, either order):            :
9. A, F (any order):
10. after (the) exams:
11. 473:                
12. (open) 2/two(-)seater:          :
13. smooth:        :
14. 180:                
15. frame and engine:
16. instrument panel/instruments/stop-watch:
17. 30:
18. light aircraft/plane:
19. wings:
20. rear wheels:               
21. Out and About:
22. (the) university/campus:
23. B:
24. B:
25. B:
26. A:
27. Poor:
28. Excellent
29. OK:
30. Excellent:
31. human activity/activities:
32. farming and drainage
33. Dirty Thirties/30s
34. dry thunderstorms:
35. machine operators:
36. drought:
37. irrigation:
38. two-thirds:
39. salty/saline/toxic:
40. crops/plants/agriculture: