11. in ages means "for a very long time"
Example: Have you seen Joe recently? I haven't seen him in ages.

12. give someone a hand means "help"
Example: I want to move this desk to the next room. Can you give me a hand?

13. hit the hay means "go to bed" (also "hit the sack")
Example: It's after 12 o'clock. I think it's time to hit the hay.

14. in the black means "the business is making money, it is profitable"
Example: Our business is really improving. We've been in the black all year.

15. in the red means "the business is losing money, it is unprofitable"
Example: Business is really going poorly these days. We've been in the red for the past three months.

16. in the nick of time means "not too late, but very close!"
Example: I got to the drugstore just in the nick of time. It's a good thing, because I really need this medicine!

17. keep one's chin up means "remain brave and keep on trying"
Example: I know things have been difficult for you recently, but keep your chin up. It will get better soon.

18. know something like the back of your hand means "know something very, very well"
Example: If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like the back of my hand

19. once in a while means "sometimes, not very often"
Example: Have you been to the new movie theater? No, only see movies once in a while. I usually stay home and watch TV.

20. sharp means "exactly at that time"
Example: I'll meet you at 9 o'clock sharp. If you're late, we'll be in trouble!